Aceh's relationship with China
Baiturrahman mosque construction carried out by a contractor or contractors Chinese named A Lie Sie oldest historical record and the first of the royal kingdom of Aceh , was found from the sources of the history of Chinese writing . In historical records Liang dynasty ( 506-556 ) , mentioned the existence of a kingdom located in North Sumatra in the 6th century called Po - Li and Buddhist. In the 13th century texts of China ( Zhao Ru - cave in his book fan Zhu - zhi ) mentions Lan - wu - li ( Lamuri ) on the east coast of Aceh . And in 1282 , it was known that the king of the ocean - Pasai send two people ( and Shamsuddin Sulaiman ) envoy to China . In the note Ma Huan ( Ying - yai sheng - lan ) in his voyage along with Admiral Cheng Ho , recorded with a full detailed city in Aceh such as , A - lu ( Aru ) , Su -men - da - la ( Ocean ) , Lan - wu - li ( Lamuri ) . In a note Dong - xi - the - kao ( research seas east and west ) are fabricated by Zhang Xie in 1618 , there is a detailed account of the modern Aceh .
Samudra - Pasai kingdom and is a bustling port city visited by traders from the Middle East , India to China in the 13th century -16 . Pasai Ocean is located on the Silk Road China sea contact with the countries of the Middle East , where the merchants of various countries dropped by first / transit before continuing voyage to / from China or the Middle East , India . City of Pasai and Perlak also been visited by Marco Polo ( 13th century ) and Ibn Batuta ( 14th century ) on the way to / from China . Key items that most famous of these is Pasai pepper and widely exported to China , on the contrary many Chinese goods such as silk , Ceramics , etc . imported into this Pasai . In the 15th century , Zheng He's fleet also stop by the voyage to Pasai and provide a large bell dated 1409 ( Cakra Donya ) to the king of Pasai at that time . Samudra Pasai also known as a center of Islamic empire ( and Perlak ) is the first in Indonesia and the center of Islamic penyebaraan whole archipelago at that time . The teachings of Islam is spread by traders from Arabia ( Middle East ) or Gujarat ( India ) , who stopped or settled in Pasai . Samudra Pasai town 's many live Chinese communities , such as the " hometown of China " , as written in the Hikayat Raja - raja Pasai . So long before the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam stand , the Chinese community has been in Aceh since the 13th century . Because Pasai Ocean is located in the international trade and shipping lines as well as a center of international commerce , the various other foreign nations settle and stay there and cosmopolitan character.
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