OPINION : Parents, Between There and Nothing
Indeed, parents are the people who have given birth and raised us. The amount of services both of which have given them to us will never be shortchanged , walaum until whenever. Of course , without both parents : we would not have been born into this world .
But apparently , not all of the parents always give the best for their children . Perhaps this perceived some children whose parents are busy with their own activities . There's even some children who think that their parents had died , when both parents are still alive and almost every day they met . It is indeed a big question mark in family life .
Most parents assume that families and children are the main concern compared to other things , but why there are still many children who feel that their own parents were never there for them .
Parents for them was just a name that they had never felt what the meaning of the name . This can happen because the parents are busy with their respective activities , the father was busy with work at the office and his mother was busy with his work as well .
Parents are obligated to provide for the family , but whose name was not only assessed the needs of the material , but the most important thing for children is a need that no one else can give , that is the love and affection from their parents . Welfare of the family is not only judged by the material , but what happens a good relationship between the family members .
In fact there are some parents who leave their children in daycare helper or while he is busy working and continue to work every day . Dawn departure and the return midnight , with the aim that he can meet the needs or what prompted her children . Let alone to prepare food , to ask if his son had eaten or not only had never been . Every day she's just busy with work , work and work always .
Do not ever ask her conscience as a mother or father , if this is what is expected by my children and if I had to give the best for my children ? .
Maybe for a short period of time the children are still able to accept all of it , but in due course of time the child will feel that love from his parents never felt it . Of course all of this will greatly affect the mental development and child psychology .
In this way the child kedaan will try to get what he never could right in the family , so that in this day and age we encounter a child who is trying to seek attention , love and affection from the outside world . Even sadder many children who run away from home and get depressed and that will ultimately harm on the child .
Perhaps this is already a lot of us have encountered , but whether we as parents would never realize what is best for our children ? . Are we paying attention , love and love them enough ? . Even if they knew all about it , maybe she'll just menjdi a spectator or a good listener without ever going to fix the mistakes that have been done in his own family .
For those of you who serves as a parent in the family , try the one you give the best for your family , whether it is material or non - material . Because happiness in a family depends on the old existing JV in the family . Although you are not the one that 's best for your children , but still the one to provide the best for them . Because under the auspices of a happy family is the dream of every child , and hopefully you become proud parents in children .
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