Aceh role in the Revolution of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (1945-1949)
Dated August 17, 1945 the Republic of Indonesia proclaimed its independence by Sukarno Hatta. The declaration of independence was not immediately accepted by all parties, especially the Netherlands with persistent attempted to regain control of the entire Indonesian archipelago. Conflicts of the Netherlands with Indonesia until the year 1950. they run provoke political and glassware among the people of Indonesia with the intent to occupy the entire archipelago Indonesai.
In an effort to colonize Indonesia again, Netherlands broadcast news through newspapers and radio , that their arrival to Indonesia not to fight and colonize , but to maintain security caused by World War II . In addition through propaganda broadcasts , the Dutch also made two armed aggression against Indonesia, which is the first aggression of 1947 and the second in 1948. As a result of the attack in a relatively short time almost all parts of Indonesia they can sit back.
Areas for which they have the sole is Aceh , so the young Republic of Indonesia that it still has a very strong capital to maintain its independence sovereignty . Netherlands many times trying to crush the resistance of the Indonesian people in the Aceh region with troops landing that can always be defeated . Several times the Dutch launched air strikes primarily against air field artillery command LhokNga and several other cities , such as Ulee Lheue , Sigli , Lhoksumawe , Langsa , Meulaboh and Mr Tread , but in reply to the Indonesian people in the Aceh region using anti- aircraft guns fly.
Dutch marines also always trying to experiment landing at strategic places and ports along the coast of Aceh, such as Ulee Lheue, Ujong Aquaculture Development , Krueng Sigli , Ulee Kareueng , Lhoksumawe, Langsa , Meulaboh , Tread Mr and others . Dutch war fleets are often operating at that time, such as Jan Van Bukker, Jan Van Ban Gallaen.
Due to strong coastal defense guns equipped with shore spoils of the Japanese army and also by the spirit of the people based on the turbulent , then the Aceh region continues to be maintained independence with the landing plan always fails the Netherlands. To find out the situation on the ground , Dutch fishermen often catch by dragging them to the ship . Netherlands plans to occupy the region of Aceh was never implemented until they recognized Indonesian independence at the end of 1949.
News proclamation of Indonesian independence in Aceh was not immediately known . The new news is officially known by the people of Aceh on August 29, 1945 after the return of Mr . T.M. Hasan and Dr. . M. Amir of Jakarta . These two men represent the center of the Republic of Indonesia to the entire island of Sumatra.
However, the village rumors about the news long before been heard by some Acehnese figures . They do not dare announce it to the public , because they were afraid the Japanese atrocities Tentera ..
Once known officially about defeat of the Japanese and Indonesian independence , the courage of the young people of Aceh continue to hold campaigns to the people for the news broadcast . Through the efforts of the brave young men who also scored the news on printing "Spirit of Freedom " and then disseminated to the public with great care , because at that time the Japanese still control all government agencies .
The decision to implement youth some Japanese government agencies such as the Office of Printing " Atjeh Shimbun ," Japan Radio Transmitters " Hodoka " Japanese News " Domei " and other agencies ; necessary to facilitate the formation of the government of the Republic of Indonesia . The newspaper " Independent Spirit " published October 14, 1945 by the youth to spread the news of the proclamation by way of sticking in the walls , in homes , in shops , in offices and so on .
The Allies were winning the war against Japan not long after landing in Indonesia by the Dutch army piggybacking and NICA ( Netherlands Indies Civil Administation ) in tow . Before landing , General Sir Philip Christison, who led the Allied forces on 25 September 1945 broadcast of Singapore through radio and press interviews that the Allied troops landed on Java and Sumatra did not bring the soldiers Holland and NICA . Red and white flag in the hoist should continue and organizations under the leadership of Sukarno not disarmed .
General Sir Philip Christison insists , too, that there are only three tasks of the arrival of Allied forces in Indonesia , namely disarming Japan , restores Japanese prisoners and detainees , as well as a security guard . Propaganda broadcast by Christison is different once the reality . After the Allied troops landed in Indonesia.mereka hold such actions robs shops , government offices . Allied also strengthen its position in some cities in Indonesia , as well as doing the chaos in the cities that give rise to small incidents which then turns into a massive battle .
Aceh regions that are part of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia , is somewhat different from other regions in defending the sovereignty of Indonesia .. During the turmoil of the war of independence , Aceh still able to maintain the independence of the Republic of Indonesia as a whole .
Aceh in dubbed as the Capital Region , not only from the forces of the Acehnese to defend the homeland , but also because in Aceh there are communication tools such as press and radio . With the press and radio simplify the relationship between the governments of other regions as well as between the government of Aceh by the central government .
Aceh region did not succeed in controlled enemies , but that does not mean this area is never attacked by the Dutch army . They often attack either by air or sea as LhokNga area , Ujong Aquaculture Development , Ulee Lheue , Lhoksumawe and some other places . However, the Dutch attacks can always be broken by the armed forces in Aceh area .
Failure Dutch master Aceh , causing the government of Aceh to be safe and running smoothly . This provides the opportunity for Aceh to fix and establish channels of communication such as the press and radio , because that through the press and radio Aceh government can provide first aid to other areas that are facing the Dutch army .
For the smooth transportation of Aceh with other regions in Indonesia , Aceh local government first used the media once Post Telegraph Telephone ( PTT ) . Post Telegram Phone already known in Aceh during Dutch rule in Aceh . Post Telegram Phone has a role in the war for independence of the Republic of Indonesia , because through this medium to convey a message and receive news practically without any intermediary tool .
The existence of the telegram to make more confident Aceh region in order to help the nation's struggling mightily mmpertahankan Republikm Indonesian independence . Then pemrintah areas of Aceh Aceh send armed forces to strengthen the resistance against the Dutch which is crucial in other areas .
Kutaraja radio transmitter was originally very simple shape and condition. However, its role in encouraging and uplifting of the people fighting against the Dutch government is very important meaning in the revolutionary period .
When the first Dutch aggression launched to the entire country of Indonesia and on the same day ie on July 21, 1947 , LhokNga airfield under attack from Air Force and Navy , which is then followed by several other coastal areas . But the Dutch still not managed to control Aceh , while regions outside Aceh can be mastered almost all of them . When the role of radio Kutaraja increasingly important position as a means of communication .
Besides radio Kutaraja , army or Elephant devinisi X on behalf of the local government of Aceh ; though in critical condition this managed to also establish a more powerful transmitter broadcast coverage , which is known by the name of Radio Rimba Raya . Through radio and Radio Rimba Raya Kutaraja this together very instrumental in order mengorbarkan encouragement to the soldiers in the pockets of guerrilla who was maintaining the independence of the Republic of Indonesia .
Radio Kutaraja that , in general, give encouragement to the fighters on the forefront , as well as to the community to contribute to financing the war in Aceh and the surrounding area other areas as far as the point when its range ; may be received in the territory of Indonesia .
In a national revolution , known as Indonesia's independence , that economic factors also greatly determine the success or failure of the ongoing revolution . The role of the press and radio in the war of independence in the economy is broadcast on the needs of the fighters , so that people can be helped like to contribute food , thoughts and other supplies inventory .
In June 1948 President Sukarno during his visit to the province , inviting figures fighters , businessmen , and some youth to gather at Hotel Atjeh . The President asked the people of Aceh to donate two planes is in need for a smooth fight . With the help of merchants , the local government of Aceh has been able to buy two planes at the end of October 1948 with a registration number RI - 001 . The plane then by President Sukarno was named " Seulawah RI - 001 . " While another plane was in had given to the government of Burma , as a token of gratitude for all the facilities given to Garuda representatives operating in Burma .
Struggle of the People of Aceh in Medan Area . In the history of the struggle for independence in Aceh Aceh army troops not only fought in Aceh alone but also continuously sent to the field or to other places in East Sumatra ( now : North Sumatra ) . Aceh , where troops fought in the field area and a variety of terrain to be annexed pertumpuran enemy . Facing armed Dutch troops advanced , the Indonesian army commander Maj. Gen. R. Suharjo Harjowardoyo shed great hope to the troops in Aceh .
In a telegram , the commander asked the leader of the people of Aceh in order to provide continued strength of Aceh to Medan . Returns Medan lies in the hands of the brothers all the inhabitants of Aceh .
As a result of this aggression caused first Dutch Indonesian republic is faced with a big challenge . In a crisis situation was vice president Mohammad Hatta raised Tgk . Muhammad David Breu - er became military governor of Aceh area , Langkat and Karo with the rank of Major General . As a result of the first Dutch aggression and forces many people to flee to East Sumatra Aceh still safe from the pressures of the Netherlands .
During the Tgk . Muhammad Daud Beureu - er became Military Governor of Aceh , Langakat and Karo ; came to pass the second Dutch aggression . On the first day of the aggression dated December 19, 1948 the capital of Indonesia , Yogyakarta can be occupied by the Dutch , Sukarno and Vice President Mohammad Hatta Prsiden along with several ministers and some other figures can be captured by the Dutch . Dated December 19, 1948 authorizing the government to Mr. . Syarifuddin Prawiranegara that when it was in Bukit Tinggi to form the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia , better known as the Emergency Government , whereas in Java Government Commission was formed consisting of Mr. . Sukiman . Mr . Susanto Tirtiprodjo .
With the second Dutch aggression can dilakatakan , that almost all regions in Sumatra has been under Dutch rule . The only area that is still intact yet entered the Netherlands is of Aceh .
To confront the power of the Dutch in the East Sumatra ( North Sumatra ) and is based on the consideration , that it is better to attack the Dutch troops from Aceh in Aceh survive , Warriors totaled 60 people assigned to the battalion TRI Division also sent to the unity of the Aceh army Tgk Division . Chik Di Tiro , Direncong Division , Division Tgk . Chik Paya Bakong and Student Army . Therefore, increasingly more are coming to Medan Area , then forced to set up a coordinating body called RIMA ( Regiment Special Field Area ) consisting of 4 battalions that Alfisah Wiji battalion , artillery battalion Rencong Division , Division Tgk . Chik Di Tiro , and Division Tgk . Chik Paya Bakong .
The first task of the army is to reclaim the area occupied by the Dutch . However, it is less successful because of lack of coordination amongst the Indonesian armed forces , even frequent commando was not cooperating , so it can not move a simultaneous attack against the Netherlands .
Although the main task did not succeed , but to repel the advance of Dutch troops to Aceh quite successful . It can be seen because there is no single region in Aceh can be re- occupied by the Dutch .
Aceh area is an area that was never occupied by the enemy and is the main capital of the Republic of Indonesia in the struggle for independence . This statement is supported the fact , that the only area in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia at that time which was never occupied by the Dutch was the Aceh region. This is precisely what made major capital Indonesian envoy in the Round Table Conference ( KBM ) in the Hague , that the Republic of Indonesia still has the mastery of the Dutch region free .
Besides greeting the President on dealing with various donations that have been given to the people of Aceh Indonesian struggle in maintaining their independence , such as the donation of a plane . Enthusiastic about helping the people of Aceh in the purchase of these aircraft by several informants tell me that people are so willing banging on their door at night to menyumbangi portion of gold or other goods for the sake of the country .
The aircraft were purchased with donations of the people of Aceh is named " Seulawah " is the name of a mountain located on the border of Aceh Besar and Pidie District , and the aircraft was nimor RI - 001 .
That the Acehnese people donated money to buy the aircraft type is adequate for the two Dakota aircraft . But a of them is still a puzzle , because according to the fact that there is only a plane ( RI - 001 ) . According to A. Hasjmy , that the fraud carried out in Singapore , but the perpetrator is unknown . But another source said that another plane had been awarded to the Burmese government , as a token of gratitude for all the facilities provided by a representative of Garuda operates in Burma .
At the beginning of this plane is a line in the air force of the Republic of Indonesia and a foreign country route , namely Burma and Calkutta i . While its function within the country in addition to bridging the islands of Sumatra and Java ; well to break through the blockade of the Dutch political figures fly the Indonesian nation .
Then on January 26, 1949 RI - 001 into commercial aircraft chartered by the Indonesian Airways , which became known as Garuda Indonesia Airways . The first is Wiweko menagernya Supeno.
Besides aircraft have contributed to the interest in the Indonesian struggle to maintain its independence , the people of Aceh also contributed to the Indonesian government in the form of arms , food , clothing , etc. to help establish and maintain the independence struggle in East Sumatra . In 1948 the people of Aceh to Medan area has sent as many as 72 buffalo area.
The role of Radio Rimba Raya
One of the capital of the Indonesian Nation struggle during the war of independence is a means of communication , namely Radio Rimba Raya . Since the early days of the war of independence in 1946 the Aceh region has had a radio transmitter placed in Kutaraja . And in the subsequent developments in tahun1947 plus a transmitter again placed in Central Aceh and known by the name of Radio Rimba Raya . Both transmitters have a big enough role in the war for independence , so that means it can be said the Nation Capital Indonesia struggles in maintaining its independence.
Regarding the Czech Radio Indonisia Kutaraja , first echo in the air on May 11, 1947 with the power of 25 watts through a 68 -meter wave . Broadcast coverage is only about Kutaraja , but in its development in 1947 successfully developed the radio to 100 watts , the broadcast coverage to the city of Medan and High Proof . Later in the month of April 1948 was developed radio again to be 325 watts and broadcast over the broadcast waves of 33.5 meters and can already arrested abroad . When the Security Council of the United Nations ( UN ) convened to talk about the conflict between the Republic of Indonesia and the Netherlands , Radio Republik Indonesia Kuta Raja held repeatedly broadcast by broadcasting a passion / desire and determination to maintain the independence of Indonesia.
Regarding different from the Rimba Raya Radio Radio of Republic of Indonesia Kutaraja . Radio transmitters Rimba Raya has considerable strength is 1 kilowatt managed by TNI X Division led by Major John Lie.
The first transmitter once installed in Krueng Simpo about 20 km from the town of Takengon , then by order of the Military Governor of the radio moved to Cot Gu ( Kutaraja ) . Then moved back to Central Aceh because leaders predicted , that in turn will invade the Netherlands to Aceh . Radio is placed on a mountain known as Burmi anesthetic that is located 10 miles west section Takengon .
In a short period of time in accordance with the atmosphere tense and urgent needs , Rimba Raya radio transmitter finished in wake undertaken by W. Schultz was a citizen of Indonesia Indonesian - German descent and colleagues. So since that's when the main transmitters in different cities not on the air anymore , because the Dutch master , the Radio Rimba Raya fill this void with excellent results .
When Batavia and Radio Hilversum radio reported that the Republic of Indonesia is not there anymore , because after the Yogyakarta can also be taken followed by the fall of the regions of the Republic of Indenesia other , Radio Rimba Raya denied firmly , asserting " That the Republic of Indonesia is still there , Army of the Republic Indonesia is still there , the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is still there , and the territory of the Republic of Indonesia is still there . " and here , is Aceh , one of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia which is still fully intact " , said radio broadcasts . This news was quoted by the All India Radio ; then broadcast again , so that the world knows no lies Netherlands .
Based on the results of the above paper contents , it can be concluded as follows : Aceh is one of the areas loyal to the government of the Republic of Indonesia. Aceh is a major area in the fight capital of the Republic of Indonesia kemerdekaann , because it was never occupied by the enemy and is still fully intact . Aceh is also the area that has always accounted for or always provide assistance to the Republic of Indonesia, both in the form of arms , food , and clothing to assist in establishing the independence struggle . Elements of Islamic teachings in the form of spirit or fisabilillah jihad in the Way of God of War was instrumental in the fight for independence in Aceh Indonesia . Hikayat Prang Sabi ( Tale of Holy War ) , which encourages people of Aceh against the Netherlands in the Age of the Dutch War , also echoed back to the era of Indonesian independence war .